Daisies (1966)

Written and directed by Věra Chytilová.

First viewing. My god, how could I have not known of this before today!

First viewing. My god, how could I have not known of this before today!

Someone recently referred to my artwork as absurdist. (I don’t think they meant it as a complement either.) I have to admit that I wasn’t totally sure what they were talking about so off I scurried to seek guidance from our good friend google. 

absurdism: 1. Intentionally ridiculous or bizarre behavior or character 2. The belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe.

Fuck yeah! That bitch pretty much hits the nail right on the mutha fuckin’ head. Aside from now having a label to apply to what I am doing, the really fantastic thing about this revelation was that it lead me to Daisies — you know, down the internet k-hole go I. This film just blows me away. It is like candy, I can’t get enough. It’s a visual delight and these two women are a riot. 

Vera Chytilová may well be my new shero. Daisies was banned by the Czech government who accused it of “depicting the wanton.” The wanton apparently being a menace to society. She was consequently forbidden from making another film until 1975.

More like this, please!